Day 2

08:30 - 08:50 Registration, coffee & opportunity to view exhibition

08:50 - 09:00 Chair’s opening remarks

Todd Chu, SVP Global Innovation at Signal

Todd Chu

SVP Global Innovation

09:00 - 09:20 How to leverage the online space to grow the entire retail ecosystem

  • How can your e-commerce strategy have the perfect combination of online and offline strategies?
  • What are the different mobile marketing strategies in the market and what can it do for your business?
  • Understanding the phenomenal reach of social media marketing: How can your firm adapt successfully?
Christina Lim, Director, Brand & Marketing at NTUC Fairprice

Christina Lim

Director, Brand & Marketing
NTUC Fairprice

09:20 - 09:40 Consumer Commerce: creating compelling omni-channel experiences

  • How can we create compelling customer experiences across store and online?
  • How is MasterCard enabling consumer commerce?
  • What can we learn from this?
Jennifer Marcae, VP Digital Commerce Development at Mastercard

Jennifer Marcae

VP Digital Commerce Development

09:40 - 10:00 Creating a Superior Customer Experience through Product Innovation

  • Price: How can you ensure that your business is offering the best value for price in the market?
  • Selection: How can you ensure a good mix and wide product range in your online store?
  • Experience: How can you create the most convenient shopping experience for your consumer?
  • How can you improve your customer experience through strategic partnerships?
Roger Egan, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer at RedMart

Roger Egan

Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer

10:00 - 10:20 Performance Display Ads: Achieve One-to-One Communication with Customers in a Cross Device World

  • Learn how to engage recent visitors with relevant and personalized display ads
  • Understand Criteo’s solution for cross device to deliver a seamless message across all consumer touch points.
  • Case studies showcasing how Criteo can be used across any device, browser and social platform

Yuko Saito, Managing Director - APAC at Criteo

Yuko Saito

Managing Director - APAC

10:20 - 10:40 How to efficiently scale your e-Commerce company with a data-driven conversion framework

  • How to better understand consumer behavior using data to make a more relevant product offering
  • How to aggregate and use data for a highly effective retargeting strategy
  • Data capture: How can you achieve a single view of the consumer?
  • How to connect all the data from marketing, operations and buying to deliver an advanced customer offering?
Daniel Endres, Founder and Managing Director at FALCON Agency

Daniel Endres

Founder and Managing Director

10:40 - 11:10 Networking break and opportunity to view the exhibition

11:10 - 11:30 How to improve the customer’s buying experience by having an effective OMS system?

  • Omni-channel retailer: How are the various channels being connected?
  • Best of both worlds: How to create a user experience that brings the benefits of both the in-store and online experience
  • How can you leverage the power of your physical stores whilst creating your mobile strategy?
  • How can you get your product to the customer as quickly and cost effectively as possible by using your offline stores?
Gary Wheelhouse, Chief Digital Officer at Harvey Norman

Gary Wheelhouse

Chief Digital Officer
Harvey Norman

11:30 - 11:50 The Omni-channel Consumer: Challenges facing today’s retailer

In today's multi-device and multi-channel environment, do you have a single view of your audiences across multiple digital channels?
Measuring success is important for any business so do you know the return of each marketing dollar you spent on media? Which channel is effective and which is not?
You have the data but are you able to measure your offline store sales back to your online media spend? Are you leveraging your CRM data to drive greater returns on your digital marketing?

Edwin Lee, VP, Global Practice Lead Retail at MediaMath

Edwin Lee

VP, Global Practice Lead Retail

  • What technologies can you invest in to execute an effective multi-channel marketing strategy?
  • Technical integration: Understanding the actual infrastructure that supports the different channels
  • How to synchronize the different ways to track your customers to create a common identifier
Gary Wheelhouse, Chief Digital Officer at Harvey Norman

Gary Wheelhouse

Chief Digital Officer
Harvey Norman

Todd Chu, SVP Global Innovation at Signal

Todd Chu

SVP Global Innovation

Sanjeev Sularia, Ceo & Co-Founder at IntelligenceNODE

Sanjeev Sularia

Ceo & Co-Founder

Timothy Hitchens, CTO at ensogo

Timothy Hitchens


Xiaoming Shao, SVP, Product Strategy at Rakuten Marketing

Xiaoming Shao

SVP, Product Strategy
Rakuten Marketing

12:30 - 12:50 Thailand mega sale: Understanding its impact on the Thai e-commerce industry

  • What are the challenges in operating an e-commerce business in Thailand and how can you overcome them?
  • How can you grow the business when many consumers are not online?
  • How can you differentiate yourself from the many competitors in the market?
  • How does the Thailand mega sale work and how can the e-commerce industry benefit from it?
  • What lessons can e-commerce companies in the region learn from this initiative?
Pawoot Pongvitayapanu, Managing Director & Founder at Rakuten

Pawoot Pongvitayapanu

Managing Director & Founder

12:50 - 13:10 CASE STUDY - Exploring India’s e-commerce industry: How has Flipkart become India’s largest e-commerce player?

  • Product: How has flipkart successfully built products that are most relevant to its customers?
  • Consumer behaviour: How to best segment the market into different users and consequently understand the purchasing behavior of these different users
  • Marketing: How to execute a successful mobile marketing strategy in India?
Saran Chatterjee, Vice President of Product Management at Flipkart India Pvt. Ltd.

Saran Chatterjee

Vice President of Product Management
Flipkart India Pvt. Ltd.

13:10 - 14:30 Networking lunch and opportunity to view the exhibition


14:30 - 14:50 Case study: Improving customer experience on and off its website: How has Bilna succeeded in achieving higher customer satisfaction & retention?

· What challenges does the Indonesian e-commerceindustry pose and how can you overcome them?

· Convenience: How can you create the most convenientexperience for the customer?

· Product selection: What products do you showcase andhow do you personalize this for each customer?

Ferry Tenka, CEO at

Ferry Tenka



14:30 - 14:50 Case Study Revolution : How to execute a mobile strategy that effectively acquires, engages and services the customer?
In this innovative and interactive format, spend 20 minutes listening to a best-practice case study before the speaker challenges you as an audience to find a solution to one of his key unsolved challenges. You’ll then engage in a small interactive roundtable discussion before each group presents its conclusions to the audience. Take away different approaches to the same challenge from your fellow industry peers!
Chinmay Malaviya, Co-founder and Vice President Business Development (Global) at Foodpanda

Chinmay Malaviya

Co-founder and Vice President Business Development (Global)


14:50 - 15:10 How to effectively build a brand by executing a comprehensive cross-channel marketing strategy?

· How can you ensure that your website, mobile andphysical stores are in sync with each other?

· How to improve the quality of the Omni-Channel digitalexperience for your customer

· How to ensure that a multi-channel marketing strategyis scalable to different platforms in the future

· Evolution of the cross channel marketing: How is theusage of technology enhancing this?

· How do we use different success criteria for each channeland for the marketing mix overall?

Vedanarayanan vedantham, Head of Marketing at

Vedanarayanan vedantham

Head of Marketing


14:50 - 15:10 Stream B Continued


15:10 - 15:30 Content marketing: How to find the intersection between data analysis and creative execution

· How can content marketing bring revenue to yourbusiness by adding value to your customers?

· How can you build your customer’s trust throughcontent marketing/reviews/blogs?

· How can you use data to drive your content marketingstrategy?

· How can you determine the ROI from content marketingand get the buy in from top management?

· How can content marketing change the user perceptionof going online only for cheaper deals?

Simon Torring, Head of Special Projects at Luxola

Simon Torring

Head of Special Projects


15:10 - 15:30 Stream B Continued


15:30 - 15:50 Brand vs. Discount: How can you ensure that your discount campaign doesn’t dilute your luxury brand image?

· What initiatives can you execute to move your offline customers online?

· How can you reduce the high cost per click given Singapore’s small market size?

· How do you attract the “right” customers to your branded products during a discount campaign?

· How can you avoid price erosion during a discount campaign?

Stephanie Crespin, CEO & Co-founder at Style Tribute

Stephanie Crespin

CEO & Co-founder
Style Tribute


15:30 - 15:50 Stream B Continued

15:50 - 16:20 Networking Afternoon Break

  • How to use online tools to engage with shoppers and drive foot traffic into your offline stores
  • How can you ensure that your offline customers are landing on your website?
  • How can you successfully track an online consumer purchasing offline and vice versa?
  • How can you successfully engage your customer through both offline and online channels?
Roger Yuen, Chief Executive Officer at Clozette Pte Ltd

Roger Yuen

Chief Executive Officer
Clozette Pte Ltd

Reto Peter, Founder at Edit Suits

Reto Peter

Edit Suits

Vincent Lau, Director, E-Commerce, Asia Pacific at Deckers Outdoor

Vincent Lau

Director, E-Commerce, Asia Pacific
Deckers Outdoor

Timothy Hitchens, CTO at ensogo

Timothy Hitchens


Simon Paag

Online Marketing and Web Analytics Professional
Industry Expert

To round off our 3rd Annual E-Tail Asia we take a light-hearted look at how the Asian e-commerce space is progressing compared to our European and American counterparts. During this informal session we will grab a drink and relax while discussing how you think the e-commerce universe will evolve in Asia.
Roger Yuen, Chief Executive Officer at Clozette Pte Ltd

Roger Yuen

Chief Executive Officer
Clozette Pte Ltd

Pawoot Pongvitayapanu, Managing Director & Founder at Rakuten

Pawoot Pongvitayapanu

Managing Director & Founder

Simon Torring, Head of Special Projects at Luxola

Simon Torring

Head of Special Projects

Dyson Yu, Director, eCommerce Channels, APAC at Marriott International

Dyson Yu

Director, eCommerce Channels, APAC
Marriott International

Frank Kang, Head of Global Partnership at Ticketmonster (Groupon Company, Korea)

Frank Kang

Head of Global Partnership
Ticketmonster (Groupon Company, Korea)

17:30 - 17:40 Chair's closing remarks

17:40 - 23:59 End of conference